The bad, the seam ripper became my new best friend tonight.
I was making #2 of the travel diaper pad and that darn bias tape got the best of me. I ripped it off and put the project away until I can get wider bias tape. An-noy-ing. Also, discovered that I accidentally bought upholstery thread instead of regular thread - kind of reminds me of fishing line but it seemed fine, I didn't have the same thread in my bobbin as in my top thread (technical term?) and the bobbin thread didn't sew as nicely as normal but it is fine...not going to take out my new BFF (seam ripper) for another spin tonight.
SO. Since the lack of appropriate bias tape put the kibosh on that project I started a taggie blanket. Naomi received one as a gift when she was a baby and I really liked it, so much that I bought one for a friend of ours that had a baby...then Ryan saw the price tag and about fell over...solution - make my own!
This will also be part of the new baby gift package I am assembling for those little preggo ladies. It was truly very easy, with the exception of a little early on pinning confusion (enter seam ripper to save the day yet again) it was quick to make.
I picked up a heap of fabric at Abby Ben Franklin last weekend - they had a great bargain table full of fun fabric!
Step 1 - cut out 2 pieces of fleece fabric - you could use the same fabric for front and back but I liked the look of a solid and a print. My pieces were 12 x 17 - no reason for those dimensions, I just like the longer rectangle size.
Step 2 - cut up strips of ribbon into 6-8 inch pieces pending on how long you want your taggies to be. You can use all one color or multiple colors - I used 4 different colors.
Step 3 - Fold the strips in 2, with the right side of the fabric together place the loop of the ribbon between the 2 right sides and there should be a little of the ribbon coming out of the top of the fleece. Pin the ribbon in place, repeat for the length of your fleece.
This is the WRONG way to pin the ribbon...for an experienced sew-er they probably would have noticed this right away but not I, I sewed right along, flipped it over to check my stitching and NO TAGS...doh! Luckily, the seam ripper was already out of my sewing box and sitting right there!
Step 4 - Sew along the edge of the fabric, when you get to the ribbon double back over the taggie in case the little peanut that will be playing with the blanket really pulls on them this way it won't rip out.
Repeat this process on 3 sides of the blanket.
When you get to the 4th and final side you have 2 options, you can turn the blanket right side out and have a fully exposed seam or you can keep it wrong side out, sew your ribbons on and then turn it out and run a short seam on the right side after turning out. I opted to go with the fully exposed seam, I did turn the fabric under so there was not a raw edge though.
Voila! Snuggly baby gift ready to go! After I showed it to Ryan he asked how much this one cost and I would rough estimate it to be about $4-$8 pending on where you buy your fabric. So in comparison to the blanket we bought for our friends its a $15-20 savings and still sweet, perhaps even more so since it's homemade. Plus you can take that $15-20 and buy the new parents some diapers...or coffee...nearly of equal importance in those early days!
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