Sunday, June 24, 2012

Summer Fun

Last weekend Naomi spent the weekend with Grandma and Boppa at the cabin so that we could get non-toddler friendly projects done around the house...thankfully we got all of our to-do list for the weekend done by 2:00 on Sunday afternoon and then we were going a little stir-crazy waiting for our baby to come back...I kept singing the song from the Chili's commercial to Ryan..."I want my baby back, baby back, baby back" :)  So, as it turns out, we are officially "those" kind of parents, not that we can't have fun without we'd just rather have her home with us.  She did have a great weekend with Grandma, Boppa and Auntie Jillie fishing, boating and playing at the cabin. 

I did get the chance to read a book I have been dying to read - It is called, Bloom, it was written by Kelle Hampton (her blog is addictive!  The book tells the story of her life with a special needs child, it talks about her fears, her failures and triumphs and is incredibly honest and truthful about the experience of motherhood in general.  I started crying on page 20 and I'm not sure if I stopped through the whole book.  It was a great story with amazing photography of her family. 

This past week was my birthday...I am celebrating my last year in my 20s this year.  I spent a lot of time earlier this week thinking back on what has all happened in the past nine years.  Luckily, I've had Ryan by my side for all of them.  Year by year, age by age, there has been a definite evolution of life; a shift of priorities and focus.  From the early 20s of being irresponsible and just living for the minute to the mid twenties which had a good dose of grief with the loss of both friends and family.  There were a lot of growing pains in those years; it's not that I wouldn't go back and change things if I could, because I would but I did learn a lot about myself in those years and found that I am stronger than I thought I was and that I truly am blessed with a lot of wonderful people in my life that have been a great support system for me over the years. 

The "later" years of my 20s have been what I feel is the best and that is largely in part because of Naomi.  We are at a point in our life right now that we are getting more sure of ourselves, as parents, as spouses as people in general.  It feels like the pieces of the puzzle of our lives are starting to come into place, and it is beautiful.  Not every day is rainbows and sunshine but my hope for each day, whether good or bad is to learn from it. 

Going forward with present day...That's what I hope to be, present, living the cliché of every day to it's fullest. To stop dwelling on anything in the past, worrying about anything in the future and truly enjoying this blessed adventure that I'm on. I have many goals and hopes for the coming year...I will continue to learn within new hobbies I've acquired in the past year – I will challenge myself to keep writing, keep trying to let that bottled up creativity see the light...I will be honest with myself and try to spend my energy on the good and not the bad, I hope to bring kindness to everyday - to others and myself.

Whew.  Enough of the deep's what the week has brought in photos:

Naomi hamming it up while playing speedracer on her tricycle

Playing in the pool with Grandma on a hot summer night

 Someday, she will be really annoyed with me for this picture but I wanted to show all of you that think she is always smiling the "other" face of Naomi :)  Thankfully this one doesn't make frequent appearances, and it taken away with a big hug and a few kisses.  I think it was brought about because I wouldn't let her eat chocolate chips before supper...such a tough mommy I am!
We were out for a walk this week and she wanted to hold Ryan's hand...Awwwwweeee :)

She brought out her blankies, pillows, piggie and baby doll out and made a next between the arm chair and ottoman...and was "sleeping" does the picture below look like the face of someone sleeping?  Nope.  I didn't think so either :)


She then relocated her pile of bedding and was fake snoring...super funny.  She even purses her lips when she does it.  We certainly have a very silly little girl on our hands!
 Do you see the sneaky eye in this picture?  Stinker :)

Until next time, we are off on some adventures this sunny Sunday AM 

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