Wednesday, July 11, 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge - Days 5,6,7...

I have really been enjoying this photo challenge, it makes me pick up my camera every single day and try to catch natural kid moments...and perhaps stage one or two :)

Day 5: With their Favorite Stuffed animal/toy...
The funny story behind this picture...Naomi really likes this pig but like the books she is an equal opportunity kind of girl and gives a lot of affection to ALL of her pets...on to the funny about a month or so ago we stayed at a friends house in Madison and were staying in their little boys room.  Ryan and Mindy B. were in the room getting it ready and Naomi kept dragging this pig around with her (she sleeps with it 90% of the time) and Ryan says to Mindy B. "I don't know what to do, she really seems to like that pig, do you think Carter is going to mind if she sleeps with it?"  Mindy's reply...that's not our pig...they come downstairs and I just burst out laughing...boys and the little details...

Day 6: Crack the Door and Photograph what they are doing...
Not that this is news to us, but we are blessed with an EXTREMELY easy going little girl, this is the face I get to see first thing in the morning every morning...she calls out, "!"  Then when I walk in she says, "Hi Mommy" ahhh....we are counting the blessings, I know that if she is anything like me in about 12 years mornings will but a much more...dramatic....event :)

Day 7: Playing in the bathtub...
So, this day posed an odd challenge to our little family...Naomi has started HATING baths...the timing out is ok though - we are going camping soon so we are "practicing" taking showers because that is all we will have for about 5 in lieu of a pic of playing in the tub, we get post shower BIG eyes...

Spoiler 9 should be interesting...Crying or having a meltdown - HA!

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