Well the days are ticking away...I am now at the point that I have enjoyed the ideas of what pictures to take and having a photo goal but am looking forward to just shooting whatever...not that anyone is counting or grading but I'm a pretty good self motivator :)
Day 21: Hugging a loved one...
It's me! :) I changed my settings, metered for light and...handed the camera to Ryan. There, now that wasn't SO hard was it? haha.
Day 22: Tiny hands at work...
Oh so many to choose from, she is going through a HUGE water color painting phase...and really she does a good job and loves to do it. Super cute. I love seeing her express her creative side.
Day 23...Brushing Teeth
This one was really easy because she loves to brush her teeth. Like 5 times a day. Like that she knows where her special toothbrush at grandmas is. Like right after she wakes me in the morning our conversation goes like this, "Hi Nay." "Hi Mommy." "Did you sleep good?" "Me eat!? Hungry!! Teeth please!". She definitely is a girl who knows what she wants!
Day 24...Sneak around a corner and capture them not paying attention
This isn't nearly as devious as I thought it was going to be. She really is a good girl and is rarely doing things that are naughty. So we're pretty low-key in our sneakiness, as in playing with Mr. Potato head :) Let's keep it that way for the next 30 or so years!
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