I also have fallen into the mindless trap of what Marsha calls the magic black box...I've fallen deeply back into the Tuesday night DVR battle of my shows versus Ryan's shows and thanks to Ellie am now a fanatic of the Voice. So, that accounts for the other portion of general slackerness...plus when the weather gets cooler and it gets dark earlier it's really easy to snuggle into the couch and be mindlessly amused. But it feels oh so good to get the words that have been jogging around in the recesses of my mind out and flowing again.
While the Pinterest Time Suck has been taking time it really does inspire you to try out some new ideas, crafts, recipes, scarf tying, etc. Here is a little "round up" of what I've made because of my Pinterest inspiration:
I knew that at our Saturday play date that the girls would be painting pumpkins but who am I kidding, I really wanted to paint them too so here is my attempt...the kitty is kind of sad but I do really like the Thomas and the Naomi pumpkins! Plus when I told Naomi that there was a pumpkin with her name on it she was really funny, like, "No way Mom". Cute. She has just started saying the following phrase, "What? Noooo...." with the funniest expression and tone. Love her more everyday. If that's possible.
The actual pumpkins weren't in that great of shape but I like the character of a few little bumps, bruises and flaws...it is what makes the world go round!
Nay's special pumpkin :)
Barb if you read this before Wednesday just close your eyes or you will ruin the Halloween project that Naomi and I made for you....so keep them closed...but for others I thought this was a super cute way to preserve how big they are at certain ages. Mind you, somewhere in Nay's gene pool there must be a giant lurking because girl has huge feet!
This scarecrow was really fun to make...for
So all in all, not to justify my extensive time wasting abilities, my Pinterest obsession has taken away from the time that I normally spent either folding laundry, sewing or blogging it has inspired me to try out a few new crafts with my baby girl and that time and those memories are priceless :) Totally justified there.
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